I Killed the Cat
One of the many cat puns that I created in Y2017.
Could you make a guess what am I trying to convey? Yes, I killed @meowmie. TL;DR - skipped to the 5th paragraph.
It took me long enough to think about this. I have been thinking of killing @meowmie for quite some time. I have been debating with myself what the next move is. It’s hard to listen to my own internal voices, especially when most of me would love to continue with it. I even read books on when I should kill a project. If you are like me, stuck at such phrase, I would recommend "The Dip" by Seth Godin. It would give you a good perspective if you wish to stick or pull out from the project.
The Anatomy of Meowmie
I enjoyed the process of creation @meowmie, and also bringing a little happiness to the community that I had formed. That wasn’t the main intention when I started out the account, but more of a gallery to host my drawings. It’s a way to keep me sane as well. Of course, there were also many other opportunities that came along with the account that I am more than grateful for.
@meowmie is coming to an end. One of the many reasons why I am killing it because I felt that there is an obligation to post regularly. As much as I would love to do that, it’s no longer my priority. I would like to focus on other aspects of my life right now, such as my health and career. @meowmie has turned to a passive commitment. I am more than sad to kill this passion project of mine, but sometimes I just have to do it so that I can make more room for growth.
“Quitting the projects that don’t go anywhere is essential if you want to stick out the right ones. You don’t have the time or the passion or the resources to be the best in the world at both." - Seth Godin
Meowmie and Luna thank everyone for your support!
Thank you all who have been supporting @meowmie all these years! Thank you for all the great ideas and feedbacks. It has been an incredible journey growing with every one of you. Lucky you, if you own a drawing by me. Treasure it.
All is well.
x, Esther